a’Dhoré delivers several coaching & counseling services (even online). Together in a free intake we will determine your needs. Every person is unique, so why not with Your Journey!?
- personal development (life coaching): sometimes you’re at a loss, but by empowering yourself you’ll feel much better.
- career counseling: are you looking for a new challenge or just stuck in your job? Together we can determine what your talents are and which path to travel.
- counseling individual reintegration: due to many years of experience with disability cases, together we will analyse how you can perform optimally within society and how you can be part of the workforce again.
Coaching is about creating clarity in where you are stuck. We create that depth by examining 5 areas: 1. What is it like now? 2. Where do you want to go, what does that look like? 3. What’s stopping you from getting there? 4. What do you have as skill, what is your capacity? 5. What do you need and what will you practically do to realize your desire?